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Learn more about key topics concerning productivity and wellbeing. Gain insights direct from our team and our partner experts.

Closing the insights gap for council's outdoor workers

Closing the insights gap for council's outdoor workers

Your employee engagement survey results are in! But the participation rate of your outdoor workforce is in stark contrast to office-based teams. So you’re left with no choice but to make decisions...

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Unlocking Key Trends: What Councils are saying and why it matters

Unlocking Key Trends: What Councils are saying and why it matters

Local government is complex and constantly evolving. When you’re busy navigating tight resources, changing community needs, and workforce challenges day in day out, it can be hard finding time to...

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Open your eyes to the blind spots

Open your eyes to the blind spots

As a leader you know your council inside out, right? You're connected to your people, and confident you know where the biggest opportunities, risks and challenges lie. You know exactly what your...

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Targeted support for kaimahi’s Māori cultural competency journeys

Targeted support for kaimahi’s Māori cultural competency journeys

Across Aotearoa, New Zealand, many organisations are celebrating Te Wiki o te Reo Māori (Māori Language Week), kia kaha te reo Māori. There’s a huge resurgence and interest in te reo Māori and...

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Next Step in Your Māori Cultural Competency Journey

Next Step in Your Māori Cultural Competency Journey

If Mahuru Māori (Māori language month) has your team fired up to venture further on the journey to Māori cultural competency, and you’re not sure how to take a meaningful next step, then help could...

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Take your step towards Māori Cultural Competency

Take your step towards Māori Cultural Competency

Kia ora, this week, whānau, school students, community groups, and organisations across the motu are celebrating Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, Aotearoa New Zealand’s annual celebration of te reo Māori....

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Mānawatia a Matariki | Celebrating Matariki 24 June 2022

Mānawatia a Matariki | Celebrating Matariki 24 June 2022

Koinei te tau e tohu ana i a Matariki hei hararei tūmatawhānui mō Aotearoa. This year marks the launch of Matariki as a rā whakatā ā-ture (public holiday) for Aotearoa, New Zealand. Matariki, or the...

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Breaking the bias - Celebrating International Women's Day

Breaking the bias - Celebrating International Women's Day

Today as we celebrate International Women’s Day, it could be easy to question the need for a day to promote diversity, inclusion and breaking biases. After all, its 2022 and some significant inroads...

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Beware of willful blindness

Beware of willful blindness

Ask around your colleagues at work - if you saw something wrong going on in the street, would you try to intervene, speak out, call the police? In my experience, just about everyone says yes they...

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How to create psychological safety at work

How to create psychological safety at work

We recently heard about a company that was going through a period of major change, and had started a monthly ‘blue sky’ session where staff were asked to throw around big ideas and chat about...

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Survey fatigue: triggers and tips on how to avoid it

Survey fatigue: triggers and tips on how to avoid it

Survey fatigue. Not a problem…We have probably all heard of it and some of us have experienced it but with a bit of thought it can be relatively easily avoided. Before we get into how, let’s think...

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HR’s biggest Covid-19 challenge is yet to come

HR’s biggest Covid-19 challenge is yet to come

The Covid-19 crisis has tested HR leaders like never before. Globally, hundreds of millions of people have had their work lives upended. The rule book is being rewritten. It’s safe to argue we are...

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Four tips to secure top survey uptake

Four tips to secure top survey uptake

As the ‘highly effective’ Stephen R. Covey said: “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” Employee feedback is the pure gold that can enhance...

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