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Learn more about key topics concerning productivity and wellbeing. Gain insights direct from our team and our partner experts.

Unlocking Key Trends: What Councils are saying and why it matters

Unlocking Key Trends: What Councils are saying and why it matters

Local government is complex and constantly evolving. When you’re busy navigating tight resources, changing community needs, and workforce challenges day in day out, it can be hard finding time to...

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Open your eyes to the blind spots

Open your eyes to the blind spots

As a leader you know your council inside out, right? You're connected to your people, and confident you know where the biggest opportunities, risks and challenges lie. You know exactly what your...

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Addressing new hire performance - a must do for every leader

Addressing new hire performance - a must do for every leader

Most of us avoid conflict and difficult situations like the plague. Maybe it’s because we don’t know how to broach the subject, or haven’t had the training. Maybe we can’t separate the person from...

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Regular conversations with your people

Regular conversations with your people

Do you remember what it’s like to land a new job? The interview process, the hope, the anticipation? You turn up on ‘Day One’, bright eyed and bushy tailed and ready. Ready to make a difference,...

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Rewards and recognition

Rewards and recognition

Revolving Doors - our latest insights paper - offers guidance for leaders looking to slow down rates of employee churn and increase retention in this tight labour market. For the first time we’ve...

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Leadership trust - the glue that will make your employees stick around

Leadership trust - the glue that will make your employees stick around

Recruitment and retention is taking a disproportionate amount of bandwidth as organisations struggle to fill roles, and deal with the downstream impact of the pandemic, government lockdowns, and two...

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Local Government emerging leaders celebrated

Local Government emerging leaders celebrated

Late last month Taituarā celebrated achievement with its annual Excellence Awards, recognising the mahi, innovation, and dedication of Aotearoa’s local government professionals. AskYourTeam is proud...

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Employee Experience: Key to Recruitment and Retention Success

Employee Experience: Key to Recruitment and Retention Success

The latest unemployment figures are cold comfort to businesses up and down the country desperate for staff. In this tight labour market workers are in the driver’s seat, while employers wring their...

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Businesses at risk as Omicron bites

Businesses at risk as Omicron bites

As Omicron bites and takes a bigger chunk out of the workforce, pressure will come on those remaining to pick up the slack. It’s a watch out for leaders, to make sure they don’t accidentally pile too...

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Pre-pandemic leadership won’t cut it in a post-pandemic world

Pre-pandemic leadership won’t cut it in a post-pandemic world

The professional development needs of managers and leaders are forever changed by the global pandemic. Over the past two years the way we work, market, communicate, and collaborate has changed,...

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Start 2022 the right way - it's time to reinvigorate your organisation

Start 2022 the right way - it's time to reinvigorate your organisation

While New Zealand and the world is experiencing a phenomenon called the Great Resignation, at AskYourTeam we like to think the glass is always half full. We’re focused on the Great Reinvigoration....

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Are New Zealand’s Local Government leaders effective?

Are New Zealand’s Local Government leaders effective?

There’s some good news for New Zealand communities – council employees report feeling highly motivated to put their customers first and are proud to serve. They also believe in the value of the...

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It’s time for leadership to evolve

It’s time for leadership to evolve

If there is one universal truth about leadership, it’s that there is no single way of doing it right. To be authentic, leaders must be themselves and, as we know, everyone is different. However, in...

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Why self-awareness matters

Why self-awareness matters

Self-awareness. As I write this, I think I can hear collective sighs. That old chestnut, I hear the detractors say. What about it? And therein lies the problem. It’s one nut leaders across our most...

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State sector employees want their leaders to lead

State sector employees want their leaders to lead

In the war for talent one of the most demotivating aspects for top performers is to see non-performance go unaddressed. This is an area where leaders consistently fail to deliver. Failing to act is...

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Organisational trust – does it matter and should leaders care?

Organisational trust – does it matter and should leaders care?

Organisational trust. It can take years to build and only moments to erode. But it’s absolutely critical to business success, given the close alignment between trust and performance. The COVID-era...

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Why leaders should be questioning everything they think they know

Why leaders should be questioning everything they think they know

As a leader you know your organisation inside out, right? You’re connected to your people, you’ve got a handle on your organisational strengths, you’re confident that you know what’s going on, and...

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Are New Zealand’s business leaders struggling?

Are New Zealand’s business leaders struggling?

The latest research into the effectiveness of New Zealand’s private sector leaders should be ringing warning bells in boardrooms across the country. Chris O’Reilly, CEO of AskYourTeam says the...

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Beware of willful blindness

Beware of willful blindness

Ask around your colleagues at work - if you saw something wrong going on in the street, would you try to intervene, speak out, call the police? In my experience, just about everyone says yes they...

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Five ways Kiwis’ work lives improved under lockdown

Five ways Kiwis’ work lives improved under lockdown

Time apart for Kiwi workers and bosses during lockdown has had some surprising benefits, according to a nationwide survey of more than 20,000 New Zealanders working from home. It found bosses are...

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Success through meaningful involvement

Success through meaningful involvement

Diversity and inclusion drives brighter and better business. I’m sure you know that and are familiar with the terms demographic diversity and cognitive diversity. Demographic diversity gets the most...

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The Three Cs for creating a culture of involvement in your workplace

The Three Cs for creating a culture of involvement in your workplace

It has become the number one jargon buzzword in business over the past five years. “Culture”. It gets used a lot, but seldom explained. “Good workplace cultures” get celebrated, “bad workplace...

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Are the robots really coming?

Are the robots really coming?

There’s no doubt the future of HR will be tech-enabled. Every HR professional is either using a tech feedback tool or looking around for one to implement. Many of these tools are excellent and the...

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Goodbye old school hierarchies, hello team mates

Goodbye old school hierarchies, hello team mates

Global consultants McKinsey say organisations are like living organisms. Their “trademarks include a network of teams within a people-centered culture that operates in rapid learning and fast...

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All hands on deck

All hands on deck

Over a 17 year period, US Naval Captain David Marquet was a rising star moving up the elite ranks of the submarine service, being groomed to command the state of the art nuclear attack sub USS...

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Workplace culture starts with involvement

Workplace culture starts with involvement

It’s a human truth that we operate best in groups - in fact one of our most fundamental human instincts is the desire to cooperate and work together. Our most well organised and effective groups are...

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Beyond engagement

Beyond engagement

Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, engagement was heralded as the answer to every organisation’s challenge. Highly engaged employees equalled better business performance and companies all...

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What is this thing called workplace empowerment?

What is this thing called workplace empowerment?

It’s clear that empowerment is one of today’s great positive buzzwords in management and HR, and creating an empowering culture is near the top of every HR professionals’ agenda. And there’s good...

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Are you implementing a culture of empowerment in your organisation?

Are you implementing a culture of empowerment in your organisation?

Empowerment in any workplace starts with leadership. It has to because at its essence, empowerment is a transfer of power from a leader in authority to someone lower down in the organisation chart....

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How to make continuous performance management work?

How to make continuous performance management work?

For many decades in HR, performance management has been centred around annual performance appraisals. These occurred at both the individual level (the dreaded annual review), and the company level...

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Strengths and weaknesses of New Zealand leaders

Strengths and weaknesses of New Zealand leaders

Having the ability to measure and analyse aspects of organisation, team and leadership performance, helps us find out what’s really going on. Both large and small company CEOs are often left...

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Why Smart Businesses are Focussing on Performance Before Engagement

Why Smart Businesses are Focussing on Performance Before Engagement

The engagement model has been flipped on its head. The traditional way of thinking about engagement is linear - employee engagement leads to improved business performance. But recent research is...

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